Liminal Teen Daylong
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Liminal Teen Daylong with Scott and Alex: Skate, archery, wilderness skills, primitive BBQ
10:30am-1:00pm, Meet, skate, hang together
1-2pm, Teach skills: process an animal (skin, guts, good meat), archery, knife safety, fire by hand drill
2-3pm, Feast with gratitude together
3-4pm, Council practice (circle up, intention at center, safe space, talking piece) to share what’s real with heart
4-5pm, Intro possible arc of long term mentoring experiences this Spring-Summer and beyond, to include deep experiences in:
- Wilderness skills: fire, water, food, shelter, tracking, risk management
- Inner fire and creativity encouraged, without burning the whole village down
- Transforming self-consciousness that stifles, into self-awareness that guides
- Integrating sexuality fully in healthy respectful playful ways
- Being good in your own company: deep wilderness solo time, personal reflections, self respect self trust
- Expand your community to grow your potential: Who to trust? How to trust? When to invite older folks in?
- Leadership capacities cultivated to serve Life in others and beyond
5-6pm, Free time to play, skate, eat, romp around. Brief circle to close together:
- Reflecting on your experiences today, what are you stoked or curious about now? What’s your question?